Permanant Link For Entry #62

Billy Bound, it's always his round.

Do you remember the Viz character, Billy Bound, it's always his round?

Two characters in the bar:-

Mate: ''Shite I've left my keys in your car, back in a sec.''
Billy: ''It's all right I'll get 'em.''
Mate: ''Cheers mate, mine's a Stella, I'm just going to get my keys.''

And another:-

Mate:I'm going home to a lovely tea tonight
Billy: Oh, what you having?
Mate: I'll have a pint please Billy, cheers.

Poor Billy never learned:-

Mate: I've left me tabs in your car Billy
Billy: I'll get them.
Mate: Cheers Billy, I'll have a pint, now give me your keys and I'll fetch me tabs. Beacon