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Thursday, 12 Mar 2015 (Only #Social)

Russell Brand gets a figurative and well-deserved slap.

I have a sneaking admiration for John Lydon.

"Anarchists can't get anywhere without motorways."

Saturday, 7 Feb 2015 (Only #Social)

Pay it forward. Pay it afterward. Pay it backward. Just pay it.

Wednesday, 15 Oct 2014 (Only #Social)

"A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work."
― John Lubbock

If only I could translate that into my life more consistently...!

Tuesday, 23 Sep 2014 (Only #Social)

“Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.”
― Billy Sunday

Monday, 1 Sep 2014 (Only #Social)

An uncompromising and controversial treatise on the life and death of Robin Williams, by Stefan Molyneux. Beacon