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Friday, 17 Oct 2014

Good time music, from better times.

Wednesday, 15 Oct 2014

"A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work."
― John Lubbock

If only I could translate that into my life more consistently...!

Wednesday, 8 Oct 2014

The moon looked so stridently and majestically aloof on the ride home from work this evening.

Moon Haiku

In midnight blue sky
Imperious ice disc hangs -
Lunar light, no heat.


Tuesday, 7 Oct 2014

The moon was a big fat shiny disc in middle-high sky this evening.

‪‎Moon Haiku‬

Celestial coin,
Lunar prize beyond value,
You cannot be spent.

Thursday, 2 Oct 2014

Had I heard this a good deal earlier in life, I am sure that growing up would have made a lot more sense.

‪#‎BillyConnolly‬ ‪#‎Demands‬ ‪#‎LiveAtTheOdeon‬ ‪#‎Comedy‬ Beacon