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Saturday, 25 Apr 2015

A month ago the RAC (underwritten by AVIVA) insured my daughter to drive my car as a learner driver. Now that she's passed her test, I've just spent 20 minutes on the phone with the RAC to find that the same insurance company won't insure her to drive the same car.


Tuesday, 21 Apr 2015

I appreciate that his interview is a couple of years old but with the UK General Election 2015 (#ge2015) coming up I felt it was worth sharing this to remind people of the attitudes prevalent amongst some of our "betters".

I used to think Iain Duncan-Smith was a basically decent type but the more I hear from him the last few years the less highly I think of him. In this interview the interviewer is quite robust, but he does stay on track and exposes the duplicitousness in IDS's thinking.

Iain Duncan-Smith's Explosive Row With James O'Brien:- Beacon