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Saturday, 29 Mar 2014

Here's a blast from the past - a powerful live performance of Woman in Chains.

Just the ticket for a musically contemplative moment on a Saturday afternoon...

I was thunderstruck.

The original Thunderstruck by AC/DC:-

The cover version by the Two Cellos:-

And it looks like AC/DC are still in the game when it comes to rendering this piece live:-

Will Self's comments - more often than not akin to mini lectures - are almost always densely packed with message, and in some cases I find myself at a loss to understand what he's just been saying. But this reflexion of his on the impersonality of the internet (really the world-wide web) is a worthwhile watch.

Saturday, 15 Mar 2014

This band, The Horrors, were brought to my attention by Jonathan Macdonald, tech speaker and musican.

This piece is a bizarre fusion of styles and sounds that I cannot sum up easily, so that will have to wait. I particular like it when the piece hits the four-minute mark and goes off into retrospective rapture.

I think this will be a favourite on my running play list.


Amazing talent out there. Here is some more of it curated.

Sam Westphalen covering Michael Jackson's Black or White with just the one guitar and two hands. Beacon