Comments For Entry #53

The Dell UK web site experience(Comments RSS)

Do you buy computers from Dell? I do. I have bought them for myself and for my friends, family and clients. Why do I do it? Because they are reputable and supply reasonably reliable machines and what you get for your money is pretty good value.

But I have *never* bought online. Online is - I believe - the preferred sales channel with Dell. I have always ended up speaking to a sales rep on the phone and cutting a deal in person.

I hate the Dell web site. It is shockingly difficult to use and unpredictable. It is also flaky. I have to share here with you the result (two tries was enough) of my attempt to chat with a sales expert about the spec of a laptop I am considering buying.

This sort of crap really annoys me. Am I asking too much?

16/4/2010 7:20 PM

Always speak to a salesperson when they are available!


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