Comments For Entry #146

Carl Sagan and the Anthropic Principle - or Conceit?(Comments RSS)

Here's Carl Sagan talking about that Pale Blue Dot again. This time he's critiquing man's tendency, typically through a religious lens, to see our appearance on the cosmic stage as something terrifically intended - by a creator perhaps.

Sagan argues for the godless science of observation and logic, and the fallacy of human wishful thinking, and he does it reasonably but - to my mind - not entirely convincingly. But I say that does not matter. What strikes me is that in this video we find a man who has so much more wonder, and perhaps even spiritual insight, than most religious people that I know, and his sense of wonder is enriching and inspiring... and yet he is no friend of religion.

This is nearly ten minutes of monologue, so it's probably worth making a fresh brew first. But it is a worthwhile listen. I commend it to you if you are a thinking person. (If you're not a thinking person, then what the frakk are you doing reading this?)

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