Comments For Entry #107

Insane Technical Support Service Hours(Comments RSS)

It's been a great month for technology failing at my house. That's life. Nevertheless, the various device failures have thrown into sharp relief for me how inconvenient many tech company Support functions are.

For example, Dell offer phone help Monday - Friday 0800hrs-1800hrs. I'm sure I am not alone in having to go to work during those hours. How do I make use of this "service"? Additionally, all the local shops that do PC repairs etc are closed on Sunday, which is one of the two days that families have free to get stuff bought and fixed. Our PC has gone on the blink this Sunday morning. I need to wait a week before I can even address this issue again?

I can say the same for Canon. I have a digital camera and a Canon printer that developed faults. Again, you have to call them during business hours on the weekdays to get help. Buying a new printer worked out likely to be cheaper than taking time off work to call Canon's technical support service.

Do I spot a gap in the market?

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